DRH Global Growth

Dynamic Risk Hedged Global Growth Strategy

  • The composite represents an investment designed to provide current income. The strategy allocates risk primarily across high yield bonds, dividend paying stocks, REITs, investment grade corporate bonds, mortgage backed securities, and preferred stocks. The strategy also has the ability to take short positions and use cash to help manage overall risk. The strategy is implemented primarily using exchange traded funds (ETFs) domiciled in the U.S.
Analyze the entire universe of ETF's

Step 1: Identify

  • Underlying holdings
  • Fees
  • Liquidity
  • Commitment of ETF provider
Asset allocation weighted according to risk

Step 2: Allocate

  • Risk is evaluated every day

  • The allocation is adaptive to daily risk levels
3 stages of risk management are applied to mitigate loss

Step 3: Monitor Threats

  • The holdings can respond to threats on an ongoing basis

Result → consistent returns while mitigating losses